This site is a demonstration project and for example purposes only. To view the staff portal, please visit this accompanying example site . If you'd like to apply for WIC, please visit .

Start your recertification for Montana WIC

You can now prepare for your recertification appointment with your local Montana WIC clinic.

You can fill out this form if:

  1. You have received this link from your local WIC clinic.
  2. You or someone in your household currently receives WIC benefits.
  3. You or someone in your household is eligible for a recertification in the next 30 days.

Not all WIC households can use this form. If you do not have a permanent address, if nobody in your household earns money, or if you do not have identity documents, then you cannot use this form ahead of your recertification appointment.

This form should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Already attended your recertification appointment?

We’d love to hear feedback about your experience. Please respond to this 3 question survey .

Get started